The Return of Improv “Movie” Night!

When we were doing weekly shows in our space on Rossville Ave., one of our favorite shows to do was ‘Improv “Movie” Night’. The premise of the show is fairly simple: We (well my wife, Bonnie), would pick a movie genre each week and then, at the top of the show, we’d ask the audience for the title of a movie, in that genre, that had never been made before. Once we had our title, we’d make up an hour-long “movie,” right on the spot.

We got some real doozies for titles. For our Post-Apocalyptic Movie we got, “The Day it Rained Molasses.” For our Body-Swap Movie, we got the very on-the-nose title, “Honey, I Switched Our Bodies”. And for our True-Crime Documentary we got my all-time personal favorite, “The Cannibal Philanthropist.”

All told, I think we did about 90 different movies during our Rossville Ave. run, and each and every one of them was a blast. So, you can imagine how excited we all are to be bringing this show back after an almost 2 year hiatus. (Don’t worry. We’ve been using our practice time over the last month or so to re-discover the format, and shake off the cobwebs. We’ve actually created some spectacular “movies” in practice that I wish I had recorded. So, we’re definitely ready!)

For this first show back, the genre to pick was obvious: It’s October, so it’s gotta be a Halloween movie. Scary movies are always fun, because they really let the actors imagination’s run wild.

So, I hope you’ll join us this Saturday for Improv “Movie” Night: Halloween Movie! Maybe the title we use will be yours!


Improv Chattanooga


Steven Disbrow

One of the founders of First Draft Productions and Improv Chattanooga.

30 Notes


“Improv vs Standup” Returns July 31st!